Urgent: This is embarrassing for me, you need to hear it...

Consider this your Evacuation “Cheat Sheet...” This Could Keep Your Family Safe From Harm And The 168 Hour Horror Story That Nearly Destroyed My Family
This is the exact information that I WISH my family had...
Look, disasters are nothing new, in fact they continue to devastate cities and families every single day....
These is just a few of the possibilities that you could be facing...
But it’s how you react to them that can be the difference between smooth sailing... and 168 hours in hell...
My Name Is Joe Marshall |
I’m the Chief editor of Survivallife.com and Author Of The
Top Selling book “How to Build the Ultimate Every Day Carry Kit”

Now, if you’re like me, you’ve probably run through every scenario in your head you can possibly think of to make sure that you are completely prepared for ANYTHING ...
I’ve stocked up on food, water, ammunition every time I could find a deal on it.... (which is becoming few and far between...thank you Obama...)
But I want to let you in on a little secret. None of that matters...
This is something that became painfully obvious to me just a few years ago...
When I look back on this now, even after all these years it makes me uncomfortable to think about just how close I came to losing everything.
And honestly it’s flat out humiliating... but I had to share it with you... and frankly, if it helps even one person keep themselves and their family out of this situation, I’ll take the embarrassment...
“Robbed, Half Starved & Forced Into A Tiny 6’x6’ Room
With 15 Other People For The Most Painful 168 Hours Of Their Lives...
Hours they were sure would be their last”
This may sound like something out of a horror movie, but it’s a true story... one that's very close to my heart.
And it all started with 3 CRITICAL mistakes...
Here’s EXACTLY what went wrong:
September 2015, Hurricane Rita was on a crash course with the Texas coastline...
It all went to hell in a hand basket when they ignored the first “silent warning” signal (mistake number one...) they waited until AFTER the evacuation siren went off and missed their opportunity to hit the road... and it cost them DEARLY!
This was less than a month after Katrina decimated and destroyed New Orleans... My dad had installed a storm cellar and filled it with food, water, batteries etc.
They THOUGHT they had a plan ready for anything...
Then they got a serious taste of reality... (mistake number two...overconfidence)
You’ll probably spot some similar and potentially deadly mistakes lurking in your own survival plans in just a second, but here’s how it went for my Mom and Dad:
After only a few hours of more stop than go traffic, the thermostat stuck in my Mom’s truck and blew a quarter sized hole in the radiator... (Mistake number three, not checking your equipment)
Then after moving everything including the 3 giant Labrador Retrievers, Poncho, Lucy, and bull, into my dad's truck; What was normally a simple 45 minute drive to my grandparents house in the country, turned into 19 agonizing hours on the road...
They had their window smashed... were threatened and robbed... all while panicked passers by looked on without offering an ounce of help...
All For A Few Half Empty Bottles Of WATER...
19 hours later they FINALLY dragged themselves to their evacuation point... They thought they were safe...
But things didn’t get any better from there...
You see, it wasn’t just my mom, dad and the dogs...
My ENTIRE family had a plan to evacuate to this EXACT spot. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins...
They were crammed into a tiny storm cellar forced to wait out the storm with
15 other people and barely any room to breathe.
No plumbing
No electricity
No communication
The hours ticked by and turned into days, the days turned into weeks.
No sign of help came from the outside world, they had no idea when or if help would EVER come...
It took more than 7 days before help finally showed up... and it wasn’t much help at all. All they did was ask if anyone was hurt, drop off a few cases of water, and then they were gone....
My father thought he had a plan... he thought he had taken everything into consideration... but it was nowhere near enough
Now, My family made it out ok...eventually, and things went back to normal.
But it could have been much worse!
This is their story.
But it doesn’t have to be yours
I don’t want that for you, and I don’t want it for your family.
You deserve better... Your family deserves better!
When the next disaster strikes... all the gear in the world will be useless if you’re caught off guard and unable to escape. Think about it...
What will you do when the next crisis comes crashing down and threatens everything you’ve worked so hard to build?
Do you know what you’ll do or where you’ll go when the grid goes down?
Do you know when to hold your ground and when you need to drop everything and run?
Probably not... but it’s ok. It’s not your fault.
We’ve Been Lied To... |
Taught Our Entire Lives That “Help is on the way...”

But you and I know the real truth… in a crisis, the only help we can depend on is the kind we can offer ourselves…
We’ve seen what happens to those who are caught unprepared and seen what their families have had to suffer through.
If you’re like me… you refuse to allow that.
It’s fundamental that we take responsibility for our OWN safety because when push comes to shove, there are not many folks we can truly rely on.
In any catastrophe time is of the essence, so…
You MUST take action TODAY
Because, when you find yourself in an emergency and in serious need of the right tools for the job... and you’re not ready…
Are YOU ready to act at the drop of a hat when natural disasters or even worse, violent looters threaten your household?
Most people aren’t.
But in order to survive you can’t be most people.
It is crucial to be mentally and physically prepared to take control of your safety.
And that’s where my buddy Dave Scott comes in…
Dave has worked for the past year to put together a special course that lays out EVERYTHING you need to make sure that no matter what crisis is just around the corner…. YOU’RE READY FOR IT.
It’s called Gone Before Gridlock.
And it’s an absolute lifesaver…
Don’t let its simple “paint by numbers” planning system fool you.
Gone Before Gridlock is jam packed with hours |
Before, During, and After ANY CRISIS.

Dave’s expertise ranges from being a former prison guard, U.S. Army Military Officer, Wilderness EMT, and an Escape and Evasion Master with over a decade's worth of experience teaching lifesaving survival skills to hundreds of people.
He’s one of only 17 men in North America to be accepted into the world-class tracking corps, so he knows how to track someone down when they go off road, but more importantly, he knows how to cover his own tracks when being found isn’t an option!
Dave is a personal friend of mine - he’s taught me quite a lot over the years and if there’s anybody who knows survival and preparedness, it’s Dave.

I trust him with my life. This isn’t just “another survival course” from some armchair prepper… Dave is the real deal, and he doesn’t cut corners...
When Dave teaches this live training class at his school here in Austin, TX he normally has to charge $199.95 just to cover his costs… And that doesn’t even take into account the cost of airfare, gas, food, lodging, etc… If you wanted to get this type of training in person it could cost you upwards of $1,000 once everything was said and done… and frankly it’d STILL BE WORTH EVERY PENNY.
But Dave and I understand that money is tight, and not everyone has the opportunity to come down and stay at his school for an entire weekend…
It’s just not an option for a lot of folks.
But that doesn’t mean you should be left out.
I’ve worked a deal with Dave, and RIGHT NOW, The entire Gone Before Gridlock Course is yours for just $ 39.95... (That's over 58% off the normal price!)
Here's Just a TASTE of What You'll Get Inside |
- What gridlock is and how to develop and execute plan that allows you to avoid HUGE crisis fueled uprising… and teaches how you to react the RIGHT WAY in a split second.
- Step by step instructions on how to survive the 6 most common Disasters and how to be prepared for everything else
- How to survive mass casualty, looting, violence, extreme desperation, and the “zombie horde” that follows EVERY crisis…
- How to Establish backup plans for your backup plan… and why redundancy is your best friend
- How to recognize, act, and react to the 5 stages of disaster without hesitation...
- Learn which personal items and gear to bring and what to leave behind...
- How to and how often you should practice your “crisis plan…”
- How to be self sufficient when there are no first responders and no hope of help coming...
- How to maintain mental clarity when everything else is crumbling around you.
- How to BEST Ration Your Resources for an Emergency Evacuation especially if you have to “hoof it.”
- The 7 items you should NEVER take with you in an evacuation and WHY
- And much, much more…
This in depth 7 module video course contains key points and information that normally takes an entire weekend to go through at a live event, and breaks it down into short, simple, easy to digest videos!
Think about that, in the time it takes you to enjoy your morning cup of coffee you can uncover the 6 key pinch points that EVERY crisis has in common, and lay out a foolproof easy to execute plan that shows EXACTLY how to avoid every one of them….
Here is what Gone Before Gridlock is NOT:

No fluff and NO B.S.
It’s straight to the point, no frills, no flashy stuff.
Just a simple easy to follow plan in PLAIN English
These videos are quick, simple, and easy to digest.
When it’s THIS EASY to Be Prepared Being Caught |
And Could Cost You And Your Family…DEARLY

That’s not what I want for you…
That’s not what you want for your family…
And I know you don’t want that for them either
Look, gear will come and go, but your own knowledge will never wear thin.
I want you to have these resources at your disposal sooner rather than later, since disasters rarely come with warnings.
Dave has been working for the past year to remaster The ENTIRE Gone Before Gridlock Course and this all-new version has NEVER been released!
And this is your chance to pick it up, put it to use, and set yourself head and shoulders above EVERYONE else for only $39.95.
Think about that, for less than the price of a family meal at Applebees, you can take the steps to make sure that MY STORY never becomes YOURS…
This is an amazing opportunity, and frankly We’re losing out on it, but Dave and I both believe that the information inside Gone Before Gridlock is that important.
Grab yours NOW!
Don’t miss out…
But That's NOT ALL You're Going To Get |

Along with the in depth 7 module course, I’m also including Dave’s 60 point checklist to build the ultimate “ Goof Proof” Bug Out Bag.”
Download this checklist IMMEDIATELY after you get your access to the course. Even if you are a seasoned survivalist, this checklist will expose flaws and holes in your plan that you would have NEVER EVEN THOUGHT OF (this was a real eye opener for me).
I’m also including a PDF guide that helps you expose any choke point and exploit any loophole in your evacuation plan!
Even the best laid plans can take a wrong turn… Even if you’ve got your gear stashed in your car and you’re ready to hit the road…. You never know when you may have to cut ties and hoof it…
This guide shows you the 4 places that everyone else will be flocking to, and why you need to avoid them like the plague.
These two “bonuses” alone are worth the ENTIRE cost of the course (and would be absolutely priceless in a crisis) but today, they’re yours ABSOLUTELY FREE when you snag your copy of Gone Before Gridlock TODAY!
What are you waiting for? |
You have Absolutely ZERO risk…

If you don’t feel like you’ve gotten your money's worth out of the Gone Before Gridlock Course, I’ll buy it back from you…
AND I’ll insist that you keep it just for giving it a fair shot…
Does that sound fair enough?
Read My "Iron Clad" Money Back Guarantee...
Guarantee: If for ANY reason you are not completely satisfied with the Gone Before Gridlock System, just send me a personal email any time in the next 30 days for a full, prompt refund.
And I’ll let you keep your access to it!
No forms to fill out, no loopholes, and no hoops to jump through.
I am that sure this will work for you.
YES! Please give me instant access to the Gone Before Gridlock Course so that I am prepared and ready to survive no matter what.
MSRP: $97.00 Today ONLY: $39.95
58% OFF + Instant Access!
I know that when I click the button below I will receive instant access to Gone Before Gridlock and my FREE Bonuses, so I can start perfecting my evacuation plan NOW.Click the button below NOW!
If You Wait, There's a good Chance You'll Lose... |

Obviously, by giving you all of the savings I was able to secure, I’m really not making any money here.
So why am I doing it?
Because I want to help as many people as become self sufficient and prepared.
Frankly it’s a little self serving… The more people that can stand on their own after a crisis, the less people I have to worry about beating my door down when TSHTF…
It’s a win-win situation.
But, If you wait until you NEED to use the skills and tactics in Gone Before Gridlock, You’re already SOL…
So, if I were you I wouldn’t dilly dally.
Click the blue link below right now and get started today.
Remember, You Can't Wait Until You Need it... |

Remember, if you’re the last one to prepare - When TSHTF you’re SOL - and you’ll be left in the dark.
You can leave this page and take that chance...
Or you can make sure today, that this vital piece of your preparedness plan, is taken care of now with one simple step.
Gone Before Gridlock costs less than a half tank of gas and in a crisis could get you twice as far as that gas ever would.
And remember, the whole thing is backed by my “Iron Clad” money back guarantee… so you can’t lose.
WARNING: These plans will be worthless if you don’t have them in place and ready to use BEFORE you need them... If you don’t take action NOW odds are you never will…
This is your last chance to claim your copy of Gone Before Gridlock by clicking the blue link below.
Make the right choice...